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​Hiermit erkläre ich mich mit der elektronischen Verarbeitung meiner personenbezogenen Daten zum Zwecke der Kontaktaufnahme einverstanden. Ich akzeptiere Informationen, bezüglich meiner Anfrage(n), von dieser Firma zu erhalten: KERN WERBEMITTEL UND HANDEL Katharina Kern
Compostable Domed Cup Lid with Straw Hole (fits 20oz)

Compostable Domed Cup Lid with Straw Hole (fits 20oz)


These lids are eco- friendly an alternative to plastic lids - an ecological alternative that will have your customers loving you for caring about the world! The domed design means you can easily fill your cups with whipped cream and other toppings without fear of them being knocked, ensuring your drinks are always presented in impeccable condition to your customers.This will help you divert your rubbish away from harmful landfill sites and into more environmentally friendly waste streams. Made from PLA, a renewable material made from plants; Clear for visibility; Award-winning quality; Commercially compostable where accepted; Serve cold desserts or drinks with a hole for straws

520 x 420 x 270 mm
5000 gr

Ausführung Mengen Preis
transparent 1000 0.68 € exkl. St.
transparent 2000 0.54 € exkl. St.
transparent 5000 0.40 € exkl. St.
transparent 8000 0.38 € exkl. St.
transparent 10000 0.36 € exkl. St.

0.36 € exkl. St.