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Shetland Trinkglas (150ml)

Shetland Trinkglas (150ml)


Shetland Hiball Glass is an ideal all-rounder that is suitable for any kind of drink you have in mind. Great for everyday home use for soft drinks, the Shetland Hiballs are also great for creating attractive displays for small cocktails or mixers. The traditional conical style ensures that these drinking glasses can be used in any situation without the chance of looking out of place. Ideal for any kind of drink; Heavyweight base; Conical shape; Short hiball glasses;Good for advertising any brand or logo

90 x 70 x mm
310 x 440 x 210 mm
8000 gr

Ausführung Mengen Preis
transparent 48 5.10 € exkl. St.
transparent 96 4.40 € exkl. St.
transparent 192 4.06 € exkl. St.
transparent 384 3.88 € exkl. St.
transparent 768 3.78 € exkl. St.
transparent 1536 3.74 € exkl. St.
transparent 3072 3.72 € exkl. St.
transparent 6144 3.70 € exkl. St.

3.70 € exkl. St.