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​Hiermit erkläre ich mich mit der elektronischen Verarbeitung meiner personenbezogenen Daten zum Zwecke der Kontaktaufnahme einverstanden. Ich akzeptiere Informationen, bezüglich meiner Anfrage(n), von dieser Firma zu erhalten: KERN WERBEMITTEL UND HANDEL Katharina Kern

1 Ergebnisse


    Yes, this classic kitchen tool is still available, and it's just as good as it's ever been. This sturdy juicer extracts every drop of juice from lemons, oranges and even small grapefruits - perfect for baking and cooking. The pointy design munches through fruit while little nubs keep seeds out of juice. Its handle and spout make it easy to pour into a bowl – the decorative piece also looks the part in bars and restaurants. Robust food safe design; Great for buffet service; Tidily extracts citrus fruit juice; Purpose-built juicer; Clever design

    Yes, this classic kitchen tool is still available, and it's just as good as it's ever been...

    Yes, this classic kitchen tool is still available, and it's just as good as it's ever been. This sturdy juicer extracts every drop of juice from lemons, oranges and even small grap...

    Preis 7.32 € exkl. St.