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  • Kategorie : Zucker


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​Hiermit erkläre ich mich mit der elektronischen Verarbeitung meiner personenbezogenen Daten zum Zwecke der Kontaktaufnahme einverstanden. Ich akzeptiere Informationen, bezüglich meiner Anfrage(n), von dieser Firma zu erhalten: KERN WERBEMITTEL UND HANDEL Katharina Kern

2 Ergebnisse


    A classic branded product for restaurants, coffee and tea houses in preference to sugar bowls or sugar dispensers. They are better for storage, for displaying and far more hygienic. They are also useful for those who monitor their nutritional portions carefully. Brown sugar is also available (extra charge). 3g of fine white granulated sugar; 12 months shelf life; Everyday branded disposable item used everywhere Preis inkl. Druck 1 colour

    A classic branded product for restaurants, coffee and tea houses in preference to sugar bo...

    A classic branded product for restaurants, coffee and tea houses in preference to sugar bowls or sugar dispensers. They are better for storage, for displaying and far more hygienic...

    Preis 0.22 € exkl. St.

    A classic branded product for restaurants, coffee and tea houses in preference to sugar bowls or sugar dispensers. They are better for storage, for displaying and far more hygienic. They are also useful for those who monitor their nutritional portions carefully. Brown sugar is also available (extra charge). 4g of fine white/brown granulated sugar; 12 months shelf life; Everyday branded disposable item used everywhere Preis inkl. Druck 1 colour

    A classic branded product for restaurants, coffee and tea houses in preference to sugar bo...

    A classic branded product for restaurants, coffee and tea houses in preference to sugar bowls or sugar dispensers. They are better for storage, for displaying and far more hygienic...

    Preis 0.20 € exkl. St.