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​Hiermit erkläre ich mich mit der elektronischen Verarbeitung meiner personenbezogenen Daten zum Zwecke der Kontaktaufnahme einverstanden. Ich akzeptiere Informationen, bezüglich meiner Anfrage(n), von dieser Firma zu erhalten: KERN WERBEMITTEL UND HANDEL Katharina Kern
Großer Krug 1,4L

Großer Krug 1,4L


This tall 3 Pint Polycarbonate Jug With Lid has a stylish durable construction and is easy to store. Suitable for any occasion from serving cold cocktails to water at the dinner table, it can also be used to hold bottles. The jug comes with a lid which has a filter for ice and fruit. As this jug is made from polycarbonate it is virtually unbreakable.This is an ideal choice for bars,parties & events, and would definitely help promote your brand or business logo printed on the large area it has to offer! 3 Pint Serving Jug;Virtually Unbreakable;Small Diameter (takes up less counter top);Rigid & Reusable

290 x 110 x 100 mm
400 x 310 x 170 mm
2200 gr

Ausführung Mengen Preis
transparent 12 19.94 € exkl. St.
transparent 24 17.10 € exkl. St.
transparent 48 15.68 € exkl. St.
transparent 96 14.96 € exkl. St.
transparent 240 14.54 € exkl. St.
transparent 480 14.40 € exkl. St.
transparent 960 14.34 € exkl. St.

14.34 € exkl. St.