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  • Kategorie : Chinesischer Keks


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​Hiermit erkläre ich mich mit der elektronischen Verarbeitung meiner personenbezogenen Daten zum Zwecke der Kontaktaufnahme einverstanden. Ich akzeptiere Informationen, bezüglich meiner Anfrage(n), von dieser Firma zu erhalten: KERN WERBEMITTEL UND HANDEL Katharina Kern

1 Ergebnisse


    Add an air of Eastern mystery to your campaign with our foil wrapped fortune cookies. Each batch can contain up to 5 messages of your choice. Write your own future with a personalised fortune. Cookies are individually wrapped in a range of colours, or for added impact you can customise the wrapper as well. Print Area: 120 characters per line (includes spaces) Available colours: Black, Blue, Brown, Clear, Red, Gold, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Silver, White

    Add an air of Eastern mystery to your campaign with our foil wrapped fortune cookies. Each...

    Add an air of Eastern mystery to your campaign with our foil wrapped fortune cookies. Each batch can contain up to 5 messages of your choice. Write your own future with a personali...

    Preis 1.28 € exkl. St.